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Welcome to a new & exciting workshop with Cognite! In this session, you'll get the chance to explore and play around with some of the most cutting-edge technology we work with in Cognite on the daily.

In the first hour of the workshop, we will build a react app on top of the performative & scalable Next.js framework, be prepared to hear all about server side rendering, automatic code splitting, route prefetching, & much more of the latest & greatest in the frontend world!

Note: Make sure to have Node.js 10 up & running!

In the second half of the workshop we will package our React application into a Docker image, and deploy it to Kubernetes. We will start by introducing some of the major features of Kubernetes such as Pods, Deployments, Load Balancing, (Auto)-Scaling, and Namespaces. But don't worry, it won't take long!

Once done with the talking, you will deploy the application to Kubernetes, and expose it in a public endpoint by using a load balancer.

Sounds interesting? We promise you it is! Reserve your spot now! :-)

Note: Install `gcloud` and `kubectl` beforehand. install gcloud following theses instructions. and then 'gcloud components install kubectl'

Det blir servert baguetter og drikke under kurset. Kurset varer til 18:30 og deretter busser vi til ØX for god mat og drikke, vel møtt!

Praktisk info:

  • Dørene åpner 16:00, venteliste åpner 16:10, kurset begynner 16:15.
  • Påfølgende dag klokken 13.00 vil det på bli gjort tilgjengelig en spørreundersøkelse som du må svare på for å kunne melde deg på nye arrangementer.


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