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Don’t Just Code, Empathize: How Design Thinking Will Make you a better Computer Scientist


Design Thinking is Taking the World by Storm

Tirsdag 13. november er det klart for semesterets tredje og siste foredrag i Frokostserien. Denne gangen holdes foredraget av Federico Lozano, en legende innen startupmiljøet i Trondheim. Foredraget vil gi en innføring i design thinking, samt være en perfekt motivasjons-boost til å sette i gang skoledagen.

A movement that began at Stanford University a half century ago as a way to merge art, science, and business, has today turned into one of the most well-recognized methodologies for innovation.

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Design thinking is practical, human-centered, and prototype-driven. It helps teams of diverse people tackle fuzzy, ill-defined challenges in creative ways. These challenges can come in many shapes and sizes, for example, the development of new products, services, and experiences; the design of business models; or the structuring of organizational systems. 

Federico will in this talk discuss how to apply design thinking to programming, IT, and digital projects.

Praktisk informasjon fra Fagkom:

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