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Analysys Mason


Meet Analysys Mason, global leader in TMT (technology, media and telecoms) management consulting. We combine the highest management consulting expertise with the world-class technical knowledge of the industry.

Join us for an evening event and find out what a career in consulting is like. You will learn more about our career opportunities in the Norwegian and our international offices. You will also hear what the first few months at Analysys Mason will look like for you first hand, from our current Associate Consultants. They will explain what you will learn, what skills you will gain, and the type of work you will be doing.

The event will also include an interactive case study workshop where you can practice your consulting case study solving skills and get interview tips from an experienced interviewer.

Afterwards we invite you to join us for some pizza and drinks for networking and getting to know our team.

We look forward to meeting you!

Informasjon fra Bedkom:

  • Vi minner om at dørene åpner 17:00, ventelisten åpner 17:10 og presentasjonen starter 17:15.

  • I etterkant av arrangementet må dere svare på en obligatorisk spørreundersøkelse her på som er anonym ovenfor bedriften. Påfølgende dag klokken 14.30 vil det på bli gjort tilgjengelig en spørreundersøkelse som du må svare på for å kunne melde deg på nye arrangementer.

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