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Lunsjpresentasjon med OnTime Networks


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Established in 2008, OnTime Networks has grown from a small startup to a global player in our market segments.

Ontime Networks core business is to design and manufacture Ethernet switches and routers for demanding environments. The combination of time synchronization and data flow over Ethernet for rugged systems is our core competence, being one of the pioneers in delivering switches with hardware time stamping and time sensitive networking into the markets we serve.

Our mission is to provide data communication products for applications with demanding environmental requirements, to provide products for distribution of precise time, and to provide ustomized solutions

We provide a full range of advanced, highly engineered switch and router products from Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems to fully customized electronic subsystems. Our products are specifically designed to operate reliably in the harsh and climatically demanding environments of the aerospace and defense industries. OnTime Network products are found in Airborne, Ground, and Naval Defense applications. Our rugged systems are at the forefront of technology providing innovative solutions that address complexity, enable modularity, and provide growth, all while delivering optimal performance for SWaP-C (Space/Weight/Power/Cost) constrained applications.

Our eadquarters are located in Oslo, Norway, and our sales and Marketing offices are in New York State.

Our main markets are aerospace, military, and space.

After the presentation, there will be mingling with a lasagna buffet and drinks.

Informasjon fra Bedkom:

  • Vi minner om at dørene åpner 12:00, ventelisten åpner 12:10 og presentasjonen starter 12:15.

  • I etterkant av arrangementet må dere svare på en obligatorisk spørreundersøkelse her på som er anonym ovenfor bedriften. Påfølgende dag klokken 13.00 vil det på bli gjort tilgjengelig en spørreundersøkelse som du må svare på for å kunne melde deg på nye arrangementer.

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