About the evening:
Join us for an engaging evening at Bror Bar in Olav Tryggvassons gate. Learn about our existing job opportunities in one of the most exciting global tech companies in the world. Stand the chance to win some Apple Airpods Pro. Interact with our engineers over Brorâs taco buffet and some drinks (beers, wine and soft drinks).
Presentasjon og bespisning holdes pÄ Bror Bar i Midtbyen
Viktig: Registrering og buss fra Hovedbygningen pÄ GlÞshaugen klokken 16:50
About us:
We are Schlumberger. We apply science and technology solutions through partnerships to help our customers find and produce energy in increasingly complex locations. We pride ourselves on being a technology company at heart. Our common sense of purpose unites 85,000 people representing 170 nationalities with research and product development, sales, and services in more than 120 countries. Our digital center in Norway is in Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger and is part of a 12-center strong network distributed across the globe.
We are seeking innovative and motivated minds that share our passion for software. We recruit for permanent positions, internships and MSc projects.
Informasjon fra Bedkom:
Vi minner om at dĂžrene Ă„pner 17:00, ventelisten Ă„pner 17:10 og presentasjonen starter 17:15.
I etterkant av arrangementet mÄ dere svare pÄ en obligatorisk spÞrreundersÞkelse her pÄ abakus.no som er anonym ovenfor bedriften. PÄfÞlgende dag klokken 13.00 vil det pÄ abakus.no bli gjort tilgjengelig en spÞrreundersÞkelse som du mÄ svare pÄ for Ä kunne melde deg pÄ nye arrangementer.