Forsidebilde til innhold

Bedriftspresentasjon med Kahoot


Kahoot! is a global learning platform company  founded in 2013. In fact, Kahoot!’s core technology is based on Master thesis research conducted at your very own university, NTNU! Today, our game based learning platform is used by MILLIONS of educators, professionals, students, parents, friends and families around the world to make learning awesome. During the past year alone, we’ve served 2 billion cumulative players globally.

Today, the Kahoot! Group has expanded to embrace a group of really exciting companies across language learning, EdTech and employee engagement and training. That has seen our K!rew grow to more than 500 employees, spanning over 45 nationalities across Europe and the US.  We’re looking forward to meeting you to share all that and more when we meet on Zoom this February 7th, at 17.15! Oh, and of course we’ll host a fun kahoot with awesome prizes for the winners! See you there!

Informasjon fra bedkom:

Dette er et samarbeidsarrangement med Online og Tihlde.

Zoom-link vil sendes til deltagere i forkant av arrangementet. Rommet vil være åpent fra 17.00, men selve presentasjonen starter 17.15.

I etterkant av arrangementet må dere svare på en obligatorisk spørreundersøkelse her på som er anonym ovenfor bedriften. Påfølgende dag klokken 13.00 vil det på bli gjort tilgjengelig en spørreundersøkelse som du må svare på for å kunne melde deg på nye arrangementer.


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