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There are no strong systems without testing

When sending people in space, NASA is responsible to develop really strong systems. The average cost of one line of code at NASA is about 20 times higher than at the US government: $1000 vs $50 per line of code. Reaching this level of quality is only achievable through testing.

Software testing is usually divided into four levels: 1. Unit testing

2. Integration testing

3. System testing

4. Acceptance testing

These four levels are complementary, meaning that each level tests different features of the code but not all features in one level. All levels together allow to cover the entire scope of the software.

In this course, we will focus on Unit testing and particularly TDD. The act of writing a unit test is more an act of design than of verification. It is also more an act of documentation than of verification. Unit tests are written only by developers on the contrary of other types of tests. Unit tests are meant to be run at compilation time and provide an immediate feedback to the developers. Unit tests are considered like a mandatory step in every build server, thus allowing Continuous Integration. TDD is a mindset, or even a lifestyle to be compared to the developer's hygiene. Hygiene is the practices we adopt in our homes and everyday lives to protect ourselves, our families and our friends and colleague from infectious diseases.

TDD means Test Driven Development but is really about designing your code. This methodology forces the developers to focus only on the needed concepts of the code without over-engineering it. There are numerous advantages like better design, more efficient code, easier to change, working documentation and more.

In this course, we are going to present some elements of TDD theory and their daily practice.

We will present the Agile principles and how TDD fulfills those.

We will also practice TDD through an online code dojo in pair programming.

You will be working in teams of two using your own laptop. Requires only Internet access and a good web browser. The course will be held in Norwegian, with visual support in English.

Welcome to a session of programming and fun 📷

Plan for dagen:

16:30 Oppmøte utenfor Hovedbygget. Felles buss til DNB Solsiden

17:00 Oppmøte DNB Solsiden

17:15 Intro om DNB og velkommen (snacks og drikke)

17:30 Faglig begynner - 20 min intro/teori + 10 min forklare oppgaver

18:00 Praktisk del (mer snacks og drikke)

19:30 Avreise til middag

19:45 Middag på Una

Informasjon fra Fagkom:

Vi minner om at oppmøte er 16:30, ventelisten åpner 16:40 og bussen drar 16:45.

I etterkant av arrangementet må dere svare på en obligatorisk spørreundersøkelse her på som er anonym ovenfor bedriften. Påfølgende dag klokken 13.00 vil det på bli gjort tilgjengelig en spørreundersøkelse som du må svare på for å kunne melde deg på nye arrangementer.


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