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Problemløsning med Palantir


The most important institutions in the world don't just protect public safety or provide vital goods and services - they also deal with astonishing amounts of data. At Palantir, we build software that lets these organizations safely integrate and analyze their data to combat terrorism, uncover fraud, develop new medicines, build safer airplanes, and more.

Come see firsthand how we solve real-world problems - and then try for yourself. At this hands-on problem solving event, our engineers will give you a real Palantir problem, some context, and a bit of data and then you'll put together a solution. Palantir engineers will be present to give feedback and share with you how we would have approached it.

After the workshop (18:30) we will head to Frati's to have some dinner and give you the chance to speak with our engineers about their work and experiences.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Praktisk informasjon:

  • Vi minner om at dørene åpner kl. 17:00, ventelisten kl. 17:10, og at kurset starter kl. 17:15.
  • Påfølgende dag kl. 13:00 vil det her på bli gjort tilgjengelig en spørreundersøkelse som du må svare på for å kunne melde deg på nye arrangementer.


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